Re: Challenge card w/ PM?

PortMaster (
Sat, 14 Oct 1995 07:11:43 -0400 (EDT)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz writes...
> Once upon a time Yoon W. Kim shaped the electrons to say...
> >What brand of challenge (or just one-time-password-generator) card
> >works with the PM? And how does one go about getting this thru?
> Right now Enigma Logic has their own version of Radius to work with their
> cards. SecurID said they would be supporting it.

I talked to SecurID at Interop and they said they were waiting for
Livingston to finish their Radius server with hooks into the SecurID
server. Carl at Livingston said they have a Beta Radius server, that
works with SecurID, just haven't finished it.

SecurID also said a couple of other companies (Ascend, I think) already
have a Radius server modified to hook to the SecurID server.

I haven't had time to pursue but I guess anybody's Radius server should
work with the Livingston.

Anybody know anymore about this. We currently use a standalone
SecurID box in front of the PortMaster and would really like to get
rid of it.

Wonder if the Merit Radius server works with SecurID?

Paul Sand
Aiken, SC USA			Voice: 803-649-4308
				FAX:   803-649-0804