Re: lines hanging up mysteriously.

Dave Andersen (
Sat, 14 Oct 1995 01:28:42 -0600 (MDT)

Lo and behold, Joseph McDonald once said:
> >
> > Before I go and investigate this more, does anyone else have problems
> > with dialins hanging up mysteriously and way too often?
> > It seems to happen mostly with PPP connections. The dial connects but
> > usually within seconds disconnects again. I cant find a common factor
> > besides the portmaster and/or our modems (USR Robotics rackmounts).
> Yes, this happens to us as well. I have no idea why. I would chaulk it
> up to phone-line problems on the customers end, but they can stay
> Telco says all our lines check out good. This is with USR Courier/USR

We've had an experience where the portmaster would return an IP of It causes PPP connections to hang, but only farks up SLIP
connections. This was under 3.1.3. Upgrading to 3.1.4 fixed the problem
as far as we've been able to tell. (There are more reasons than just
that to upgrade to 3.1.4 anyway).

If you're currently running 3.1.4, er, I haven't a clue. :)

-Dave Andersen

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