Re: PM2er + Radius + Unlimited Access (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Fri, 13 Oct 1995 23:59:29 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time System Administrator shaped the electrons to say...
>Has Livingston ever just considered biting the bullet and paying for
>enough engineers now to work on all of these "low priority" projects to
>create a superior product and perhapas grab more market share as a result?

We're still trying to find enough qualified engineers to work on the
high priority projects. If anyone else comes on they'll start on the next
item in the queue to be done. It's also a question on how much is a
feature worth? Some just aren't worth the effort for a small user base,
some are. There will always be features that are asked for and never
implimented for various reasons.

It isn't a matter of funding. We interviewed someone today in fact.

Looking for a new job?

As has been said, Livingston is highering in nearly every department (if
not every department). Especially the technical areas like engineering and
support. It just isn't easy to find people who really know their stuff and
are looking to start a new job.


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