Re: problem with Win95 user unable to negotiate tcp/ip

Jon Lusky (
Fri, 13 Oct 1995 21:04:26 -0500 (CDT)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz writes:
> Once upon a time Jon Lusky shaped the electrons to say...
> >Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REJECT to port S29 of 7 bytes containing:
> >04 03 00 07 0d 03 06
> Looks like the Win95 user turned on unidirectional compression. Which
> version of ComOS is this PM running?

"Use software compression" is unchecked... I've had him remove and install
dialup networking and tcp/ip, and reconfigure everything from scratch twice.
Our win95 instructions include screen captures, and I've even had him read me
each screen to make sure its our standard setup (which is working for all
of our other win95 users).
Tried swapping a Supra 14.4 in place of his SupraFax288i, same results.
I did find out he had definately changed one thing since his last successful
connect--he replaced his old 1M Trident video card with a new 2M Stealth.
He's going to swap it back and try again this weekend.

Both portmasters are running 3.1. I know i should upgrade, but 3.1 has been
VERY stable for me :/.

I really appreciate the assistance, btw... I'm fairly certain this isn't
a PM problem, even though he can connect to MSN without problem.

Jonathan R. Lusky       |   |
Edge Internet Services  |  (615) 726-8700