Re: PM2er + Radius + Unlimited Access

Jeff Mcadams (
Fri, 13 Oct 1995 10:21:36 -0400 (EDT)

Thus spake Marc O'Leary
>We offer unlimited access. I am looking for a way to account for the =
>time of each call and to detect inactivity and log a user off??? any =
>help would be appreciated.

Another call for packet-based time-outs sounds like.

The best idea that we've heard of is to be able to set the timeouts
based on the type of packets being sent rather than just that bits are
flowing across the line. At present, if you have a PPP connection up
and running, all it takes is a single ping occasionally to keep the
connection alive. This is not at all practical for those of us who
provide unlimited access (or packages with very large amounts of time).

I spoke with Brian Rice at InterOp in Atlanta and he said that the
engineers were unenthusiastic about implementing that and didn't see the
need.....maybe they should subscribe to this list and hear from those of
us that want this feature? :)

How about it MZ, wanna express our desire for this feature as well?

Jeff McAdams | "A strange game.
IgLou Internet Services | The only winning move is not to play."
e-mail: | -- Joshua