Re: Strange Portmaster Behavior

Carl Rigney ((no email))
Wed, 11 Oct 1995 19:27:55 -0700

If you're not running ComOS 3.1.4, I'd recommend upgrading to that.

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dialnet: Port Sx ppp_sync failed dest.
What does this mean?

It usually means that PPP negotiations failed, the most common cause
of which is the two ends disagreeing about what addresses to use.
On the console or admin telnet session, do:

set console
set debug 0x51

And it'll show you the PPP LCP and IPCP negotiations.
(There's a nice PPP PostScript reference sheet available on to help interpret the output.)

To turn off debugging, do

set debug 0
reset console

error: port S8 spurious interrupts

I think this means that some device attached to port S8 is giving us
bogus electrical signals. What flavor of modem are you using?

Carl Rigney