Re: Telnet times out (fwd)

James McKenzie (
Tue, 10 Oct 1995 21:33:13 -0700 (PDT)

> "Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz" <megazone> wrote:
> > Now, more directly, when telnet fails immediately fire off a traceroute and
> > a ping, see if the PM responds and how the routing is going. I don't know
> > of any problems wit the PM that would stop it from responding.
> Heh! Had this happen to me yesterday: couldn't telnet to it, ping wasn't
> working.. yet it was still answering the phone. Turned out that it had
> spontaneously forgotten everything, including it's IP address. Had to
> rebuild it from scratch. A very.. educational.. experience. :-)
> (I'm not worried; this was only the second screw-up in 8 months of
> operation, and I'm willing to blame the electric company.)

You wouldn't hapen to be working with subnet'd class C's would you?

I've seen this behavor (mostly with the firewall routers) where if you
change a netmask you can cause the entire unit to stop routing on it's
interfaces, though it is normaly still functioning other than that.

I've never seen it 'wipe' itself blank.

Jim McKenzie