Multi-Network Connection NEWBIE ALERT!

Mike Moskal (
Tue, 10 Oct 1995 19:48:58 -0600

Hello all!

I have what is probable a very very "newbish" question for all you "gurus"

I have a company that we wish to lease a connection to via our pm2er via the
w1 port.

On there end we will install a IRX111.

They have there own dns servers and Class "C" Addresses.

My pm2er points to our main wellfleet router as it's default gateway.

Now, my question is :

What or how should I configure the Irx111 ??

Should I point it's default route to my pm2er or to my main router which
both are on my Class "C" address space.

This is our very 1st leased line sell and I would love to be able to look
good or at least do things right.

Thanks in advance!

Michael A. Moskal - Systems Administrator
CYBERLINK Systems Corp.
The East Kootenay's Premiere Internet Service Provider.
Phone : (604) 426-5175 Dialup: (604) 426-0565