Radius Hints

Jeff Mcadams (jeffm@iglou.com)
Tue, 10 Oct 1995 17:27:26 -0400 (EDT)

Ok, got a question for you Radius Guru's out there.

I've got a PM-25 set up here connecting to a Radius server (Merit 2.4),
but I have a question about the service hints that the portmaster is
(supposedly?) sending to the Radius server. We have (at this point) a
separate login id for slip/ppp logins and for shell logins. I'm
connecting to the portmaster and typing in my shell login and password,
and getting PPP frames back in response. I would assume that if the
portmaster started getting PAP frames then it would send a PPP hint
(that's a no brainer) but how do you figure out what other hints to send
to the radius server?

What I would like to do here, would be for it to do a Login-User, unless
it gets PAP, and then to default to PPP, is there any way to kind of
guide the PM to do something like this?

The port is set up for both user login and dial-net.

Any ideas, suggestions, hints, shots in the dark, etc. would be

Jeff McAdams | "A strange game.
IgLou Internet Services | The only winning move is not to play."
e-mail: jeffm@iglou.com | -- Joshua