Re: ISDN off PM

Christopher Davies (
Mon, 9 Oct 1995 00:21:47 -0400 (EDT)

But when its at the username prompt, one must hit an extra enter to get a
login prompt, and it will sometimes bypass the login message completely.
May not be a problem for most, but its definately something to consider
when a novice user dials in and for some reason doesn't know to hit enter

Chris Davies, ABSnet Internet Services eMail:
Baltimore, MD voice: 410/361-8160

On Sun, 8 Oct 1995, Chris Woods wrote:
> Except that when there is no modem on the port, and modem-control is off,
> I would expect that CD would be low by default, instead of high. But once
> again, as far as I'm concerned, it's a minor annoyance and no big deal.