Livingston Support -

Bill Hamel (
Sun, 8 Oct 1995 22:47:57 -0400 (EDT)

About two weeks ago we had a Portmaster's ethernet card hose bad enough
that we needed another unit. I wanted to write this sooner but just got
the chance now.

I'd like to thank All the folks at Livingston for their help - especially
Barb who called me alittle before 6:00 am Their time and worked with me
on the phone for hours.

It turned out that we needed another unit which we gladly drove to pick up
at a vendor which had one- ( 7.5 hour round trip )

Barb was nice enough to help us get it back up and running from her
home after work because I got back so late with the new unit - - Now thats

Thanks again - you folks were real life savers.

Oh yeah - And Barb.... Your the best! Thanks

- Bill Hamel