anybody having problems with 8-char login names?

Elya Kurktchi (elya@INETWORLD.NET)
Sun, 8 Oct 1995 09:09:34 -0700 (PDT)

Is anybody having any problems with radiusd authenticating 8-character
long login names when the password field entry in the users file is set
to UNIX? For some reason, if I change a users login name from 8-characters
to 7-characters, it works (with UNIX as the their password or their real
password). I've recompiled and recompiled radiusd and checked it's values
but nothing seems to work. Sometimes, the only other solution is to put
in their accounts on the portmaster.

A sample entry looks like this:

joeyblow Password = "UNIX"
User-Service-Type = Framed-User,
Framed-Protocol = PPP

Here is also an entry from my logfile:

Tue Sep 26 08:11:08 1995: Authenticate: from portmaster - Invalid User: joeyblow



| Elya S. Kurktchi                    Simply Internet               |
| Vice President-Systems Admin        7841 Balboa Avenue, Suite 101 |
| Email :          San Diego, CA  92111          |
| Phone : (619) 565-SURF              Fax : (619) 514-3951          |