Re: routes and netmasks (fwd)

Igor V. Semenyuk (
Sun, 8 Oct 1995 02:45:21 +0300 (MMT)

> Perhaps I'm approaching this from a different perspective, but I
> don't see the problem? The only difference that I would see happening is
> that a user would see a different message in the connect, e.g.
> from ( vs .4 to

Oh, not a big deal:

set reported_address

on all the boxes and it's ok.

> What are the other differences?

The differences are if you get remote LANs connecting to your boxes.

Try to figure out how to make routing to remote C class networks
when they can login into any of your boxes.

Igor V. Semenyuk                    Internet:
SOVAM Teleport                      Phone:    +7 095 258 4170
Moscow, Russia                      Fax:      +7 095 258 4133