Re: running install in pmconsole (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Thu, 5 Oct 1995 12:45:59 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Ram Tanamy shaped the electrons to say...
>I guess I was luck too. I have used pmconsol today to install pm3.1.4 from
>Solaris 2.4 on the PM2ER. Now I am concerned. I hope you had a list of known

It isn't our bug, it is Sun's actually. They munged part of the kernel in
2.4 and that is causing the problem.

It is a 'bug by association', they make our package fail when it shouldn't.
It isn't in the docs because it is new, and the pmconsole was out before
2.4. It was out, worked fine on 2.3, then 2.4 came out and broke it. And
we haven't been able to write around it as of yet.

We're not the only one who's code was broken by 2.4, I know that first hand.

It has been mentioned on the mailing list before though, that's the best
way we have of spreading the word.


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