RADIUS Y2k compliant

Q. Is your RADIUS Y2k compliant?

RADIUS Server 2.1 has been certified as Y2K compliant and we recommend upgrading older releases to RADIUS 2.1, which is available at no charge on our web site "http://www.livingston.com/forms/one-click-dnload.cgi All dates are treated internally as 32-bit integers or time_t data types so they're fine until 2038. RADIUS 2.0 and 2.0.1 are likely Y2K compliant but are not certified.

The radiusd we distribute relies on the underlying Operating System of the host the radiusd daemon runs on, and is Year 2000 compliant if the Operating System it runs on is. The timestamps in the RADIUS accounting logs are generated from the operating system in a Y2000-compliant manner, for example:

Thu Jan 22 12:35:48 1998

Acct-Session-Id = "9E0000B4"

RADIUS itself is just a protocol, and has no Year 2000 problems.

The RADIUS client in the PortMaster ComOS is compliant; it has no idea what year it is anyway.